Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Not-So-Vegan Tacos and Watermelon Feta Salad

Dinner night has been on a bit of a hiatus lately, as we are all very popular ladies with demanding social lives.... Or perhaps we just over-commit? Either way, I'm FINALLY writing this blog post, a few weeks late. Sabrina found an awesome recipe for vegan tacos, and what we found out is that they were really good with cheese on them. And sour cream. You could easily make the recipe with it's original vegan intentions, and I'm sure that's great too. To balance out the spicy tacos (and these can be quite hot if you want to make them that way) I made a Watermelon and Feta salad recipe I'd been eyeing up for a while. Stephanie got dessert, which was white wine. 

Not So Vegan - Vegan Tacos

1 teaspoon canola oil

Saute garlic and onion in oil.  Add lentils and and chicken broth, and bring to a boil (most of the broth will absorb into the beans),   stir in taco seasoning.  Add salsa and mash lentils and salsa together.  Serve with your favorite taco fixings!
These tacos were nice and spicy, but the spice level can be easily adjusted for northern taste buds by adding regular taco seasoning. Lentils are a great source of protein and antioxidants, and they were a great play on taco meat!
*this picture was taken at a later date.  Originally we made beautiful tacos in a crispy corn shell...but we were so excited to eat them that we forgot to take the picture.  :)
Watermelon Feta Salad

-3 cups cubed watermelon
-1/2 cup diced red onions
-1 container feta cheese
-1/4 cup chopped fresh mint
- 1 T. lime juice
Directions: Combine all ingredients in a bowl and let sit for one hour before serving.

This salad was a perfect compliment to the spicy tacos, with the fresh juicy watermelon and salty feta. This combination sounds a bit odd at first, but tastes grand. It will be a welcome addition to my meals this summer when melons are nice and fresh!

Our meal was triumphant, we made some different sorts of fare and the experiments turned out fabulous! We should be on a more regular schedule again now, so stay tuned!

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